Monday, April 22, 2013

Justice System

                I’m sure that many people have seen or heard about how our justice system works. Most don’t like it because sometime it seems like someone did not receive what they deserve. This could be more than they deserve or less than they deserve. I hope one day we could change how the justice system work because it seem like it a game and we are just seeing how it would turn out. Not to mention that sometime people are put in jailed and many years later they are found guilty. That is one thing we cannot do in my opinion because you just took a person life away for something they didn’t do. We do give them compensation but I mean it should have not been that way. It seem like our justice system is bad and even failing. Sometime it does work but it does not cancel out the many time that the justice system screws someone over. In my opinion they should also change that a person could only be try once for that crime. My reason is what if a person got away with it the first time because of evidence being tampered  or there was not enough evidence. They get let go but later on you found evidence that points to them and you can’t do anything about it because they can only be tried once. In my mind that is not Justice being serve but justice went wrong. There many people that would like the justice to be change and I hope it does one day.

Monday, April 8, 2013


I agree with what you said about how the government should do something other than doing the fat tax. It is true that to eat healthy you have to spend more money which I think is the major reason why people don't eat healthy. Especially during hard time when money is something people can't spend like they want to. I think the government should somehow make healthy food more cheaper and like you said have more exercise time. Could be adding more time to recess or whatever. I really think that fat tax is never going to work because it is just easier and cheaper to go to McDonald's or Wendy's and order from the dollar menus. Another reason why I think obesity is going up is because people eat process food. It is a fact that you with get bigger if you eat lots of process food than fresh food.