Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Blog #3 Guns, Teacher and Police.


The article from USA Today talks about arming teacher with guns. Alabama Senator a former Marine Bill Holtzclaw opposes the idea because he doesn’t want inexperience teacher carrying guns around. I agree with the article because teachers are not there to shoot people and I think this is going overboard. I also agree that instead they should hire more policemen to do the job because after all it is their job to protect us from harm. This article talks about what would happen if the teacher is inexperience with a gun and might do more harm than good. Examples are if the teacher accidently shoots a student under confusion from a shooting. So I think it is best to leave the shooting to trained professional like the police for they are trained for these kinds of situation. The article intended audience would be anyone wanting to know what they are going to do with guns. I feel it leans towards the people that support gun rights but I think the other side wants to know what is going on too. The article credibility is good because it has many creditable people interviewed and it sound very logical. Logically no one would want and inexperienced person holding a gun because no matter how much training they have they still lack experience and something might go wrong. If it passed I see something might go wrong because it could backfire and causes for harm. Overall I think we should leave it to the police to handle.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Blog #2 President Obama and Gun Control

           According to USA Today on February 4th President Obama went to Minneapolis to talk about gun laws. Minneapolis is one place in the United States with the most murder rate that involves guns. The President wants to have a ban on assault rifle and have a limit on ammunition clips. The NRA does not want to have a background check every time someone buys a gun because they said it would so little to stop criminal from getting those guns. Minneapolis Police said that every time they recover a gun at a crime scene they traced it back to an owner. The problem was that the gun was either lost or it was given to someone else. So a gun could have been transfer about fifteen times before it reaches the police. This article is worth reading because it tells us what the Nation is thinking about gun laws. As you can see for the pass couple months guns has been on the top list of news so I think it is worth reading.