Monday, March 25, 2013

National Government

I think our National Government is doing a bad job with their so call war on drugs. I believe so because the illegalness of particularly marijuana is actually making the black market stronger. If they would have legalize and regulates it not many people would I think would turn to the black market. Another reason is that the people that were jailed for marijuana possession is getting their life ruin for something I think should be treated like alcohol. The people are paying taxes to keep them in the prison and I don’t think we should be spending our tax money on keeping those people in prison. To me having marijuana is like having beer all the government need to do is regulates it. It not like the war on drugs is working because many people can get marijuana easily. I think it should be like how it is in Colorado or Washington. I think it could work on other drugs but not marijuana because so many people now a day have gotten to it. Also I also think it does have medical benefits particularly to cancer patient and anxiety issue. Either way if many people lands in jail and still many people buys from the black market then the War on Drugs is definitely not working. It better to just regulates it and treat it like alcohol because it keeps less people in jail which means less money spent on jail and it can keep the black market at a weaker point than being strong during this prohibition.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Blog #4 Student suspended for shaping Pop-Tart into gun

The story of a seven year old boy who was suspended two days for shaping a pop tart into a gun and making gun sounds. It sound like what a seven year old kid would do and that is exactly why I think it was ridiculous that he was suspended. My reason is that we are a country living in feared where anything that shows even a tiny bit of violence can have consequences. I also feel like we are so paranoid now. Sure we been through tough time with the school shootings but it is taking it to the next level. The kid was just making a gun out of a pop tart. Is he hurting anyone? No. He is just being a kid. When I was young we used to play gun fight with each other using our fingers and no one said anything so why should it be now. Almost everyone and the author of the blog agree that they have gone too far. Another story like this is when a middle school student was told he had to turn his shirt inside out because the shirt he was wearing had two guns on it. The problem I have with it was even if he had guns on his shirt it was in support of the Marine Corps and I feel that it was really bizarre because once again we are living in feared. I could understand if both of these kids brought bb guns to school and got suspended but for a shirt and a pop tart?